Collection: Cloud-b

Since 2002
At Cloud B we take sleep very seriously. We are pioneers in creating products designed for the well -being and a good night's sleep and we specialize in producing sleeping pills. At Cloud-B, every product is validated by experts: pediatricians, family therapists, parents and sleep specialists. Our collections of musical plush toys and night lights have received numerous prizes from both professionals and parents. 

Cloud B's mission As a baby sleep specialist is to give newborn babies and their families the gift of sleep. Resting white noise creates a comfortable, uterine -like environment that soothes babies and helps to fall asleep faster and stay longer.  The award -winning products from Cloud B have been loved by families around the world for almost 20 years. 

Best for newborns
Our products are designed to calm and help children to fall asleep better. They are part of the bedtime routine to make it a pleasant and reassuring moment. Our night lights and cuddly sound tins enable children to be independently treated with them - by sound, visibility, touch - and thus reassure themselves and fall asleep yourself, like a pro. With Cloud B, children see the night in a new light.

Our story
There was a baby named Madeleine who slept so well that her mother had no idea what other parents were talking about when they were talking about sleep deprivation. (We swear that it is true!) In her attempts to understand what her baby made differently, she discovered that it was not her baby at all, but a special gift she had received - a sleeping bag.

This simple sleeping bag was part of her daughter's sleep routine and kept her comfortable, safe and comfortable all night. It was literally the dream of a parent who came out. She realized that the gift was actually the gift of sleep ... which is priceless for new parents who have to deal with endless sleepless nights.  This gave her the idea to make this gift and share it with other families, so that their babies can sleep well. 

3 products